Beyond efficiency and non-compliance savings, you are adopting an industry standard and improving the maturity level of your company. Obviously, having defined, integrated processes improves efficiency and reduces the chances of receiving an audit or inspection finding. Your people know the framework around what must be done, but are empowered to act as needed within those boundaries (and have an instant mechanism for reporting and tracking problems as they arise). Beyond efficiency and compliance, the Consiliso architecture standardizes terminology and information hierarchies in a way that makes it far easier to share information with contract manufacturers, suppliers, and customers.  How easy is it for your company to consolidate the information needed to report on progress to your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? Can you drill down into detailed information in order to understand why you are missing your goals or targets? Consiliso (with the right information tools behind it) can facilitate instantaneous retrieval of that information.

It’s no secret that acquisitions are a goal of most start-ups and how large corporations expand their product portfolios. With Consiliso, the process for discovery and integration is vastly simplified.